Thursday, 25 October 2012


Em was at Granny and Poppa's for two nights while I had doctor appointments to deal with. So today was actually the first day all week we were just home... ahhhh love just being home and doing nothing!

So during our nothing day we baked muffins! Em loves these and they were really good to make together: she cut the apples, mashed the bananas, helped measure surprising me knowing what 1/2 was on the measuring cup!!! We made these awesome apple banana muffins I found on pinterest but used 2 T applesauce, 1 T oil and half whole wheat flour!

Em then played with a cabin playmobile set most of the day. With her direction we took a big piece of butcher paper and made a lake and a stream landscape.

Then daddy came home and after supper he and Em did a puzzle and went through some old sports cards. Em was organizing them in jersey color and by sport. He even has some rare Bomber trading cards only released one year! Worth very little but maybe some day haha.....

And now bath time, story and bed... then mama and dad are finally going to watch our favorite show together! The end of a perfectly quiet do nothing day... only leaving the house to walk to the end of the block to buy eggs to make muffins... these are the days I will cherish when it's all just a memory!

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