Saturday, 27 October 2012

Our Saturday

We are purging purging purging our basement! After almost 12 years here we have a lot of stuff to purge!
Sold Em's toy box and posted a few other things for sale. 

And then as promised it was family game night! Em's game pick is her favorite game... The Game of Life... 3/4 of the way she bailed to play with her cat Bear.

Homeschool Coop Day!!!
Chiara, Mickey and Zoes hosted Halloween for our Coop day.
The kids had a blast and because Chiara's house is so amazing there was lots of space for moms to connect and chat.... I think I look forward to coop days as much as Emersyn does!

Thursday, 25 October 2012


Em was at Granny and Poppa's for two nights while I had doctor appointments to deal with. So today was actually the first day all week we were just home... ahhhh love just being home and doing nothing!

So during our nothing day we baked muffins! Em loves these and they were really good to make together: she cut the apples, mashed the bananas, helped measure surprising me knowing what 1/2 was on the measuring cup!!! We made these awesome apple banana muffins I found on pinterest but used 2 T applesauce, 1 T oil and half whole wheat flour!

Em then played with a cabin playmobile set most of the day. With her direction we took a big piece of butcher paper and made a lake and a stream landscape.

Then daddy came home and after supper he and Em did a puzzle and went through some old sports cards. Em was organizing them in jersey color and by sport. He even has some rare Bomber trading cards only released one year! Worth very little but maybe some day haha.....

And now bath time, story and bed... then mama and dad are finally going to watch our favorite show together! The end of a perfectly quiet do nothing day... only leaving the house to walk to the end of the block to buy eggs to make muffins... these are the days I will cherish when it's all just a memory!

Monday, 22 October 2012


Our big rodeo had a free family night that we found out about on a community webpage Since our girl loves horses and really needs to be around horses we did a cheap family night out. And because it was the day before payday with $10 to our name we brought waters and spent money on popcorn. Em loved it!!! And I have to say I really enjoyed it!

It was hard to take pictures with all the action!

Local dog show... Wild Dogs! 

  We were close!

Bronkin' Bucks!

Waiting for the next event.

Still waiting...

Yeehaw! Calf ropin'...

We learned a lot about the rodeo...

Thursday, 18 October 2012

Our exciting Thursday!

Thursdays aren't usually overly exciting BUT Em  slept in her own room last night! 5 years 3 1/2 months of a combination of family bedding then transitioning into her own bed in our room in January of this year. This child nattered all week about her own room so we cleaned up the spare/junk room yesterday. AND she decided that she would sleep in her own room last night... mama wasn't so sure... but Em insisted.... and she slept all night in her own bed!!! Mama was up most of the night thinking she was calling me... my baby is becoming independent and growing up much to fast!

VERY excited girl!

Then we went shopping with Granny at a liquidation of a big store in town. And the dog that Em has been saving up for was on sale 1/2 price... well there was some begging and lots of hugs... and granny bought it for her and Em gave her all her money she had saved to pay for half of it!

Cookie the dog and one very proud little girl!

Our week in workboxes

 We are finding our balance and after a very low key week last week this week I was careful not to make too many boxes as Em becomes too focused on them. So I want to make a balance between unschooling/playing and workboxes. 
This week we did a good job of balancing life.

 Counting workbox... Em gave this up quickly and just wanted to make more 'flowers' so it turned into a creative project. 

 Em has been collecting/saving money for a special toy she saw on youtube... arggg... too much youtube for this girl! So I turned it into learning about money. Workbox this week was sorting her money. 

 She is persistent and collected this in a day... laundry room was a big score!

 SCIENCE: What makes ice melt faster, ice alone, salt, sugar or ice in water.

 Hypothesis... Em thought the ice alone would melt first. 

 Checking the ice

 Em loves this workbook that granny bought her. 

Playing with Bo the Bunny and watching him eat his favorite treat.

Monday, 15 October 2012

A bit of this and a bit of that... our workboxes

 Em will do the odd worksheets, some days she will beg for worksheets and other days or weeks she refuses to work this way. So we go with the flow and follow her lead!

 Computer time is a favorite time for Em and usually Bear the Cat can be found cuddled up getting love.

 ART time... in a workbox this month we painted rocks!

 Math dominoes 

Math worksheets, we have been verbally adding things for a long time and this month we have started some worksheets and what an equation is, I am finding it so much fun see the 'lightbulb' go off when she grasps a new skill or concept! This is the awesome part of homeschooling!

Saturday, 13 October 2012

Homeschool Coop

We are part of this amazing community of homeschoolers and we have started a homeschool coop on Friday mornings. These mamas and children have quickly become very important to us and a big highlight in our week!

The first week we 'hosted' the coop and we went for a nature walk at the Riverbank Discovery Center. We had a scavenger hunt list but the kids quickly did their own thing and we wrapped up with a nice visit/play indoors looking at the animals and playing together.